
Forge federation: monthly report 1/9

The past weeks were mostly focused on User Research activities and discussions on how fedeproxy should move forward. A monthly event was scheduled to discuss this activity report and anyone interested is welcome to join the first event. User Research User research preparation and interviews are well on the way: The question was formulated: How and why are multiple forges used in the development life cycle of a given software?

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Forge federation: the beginning of a 9 months journey

March 2021, a grant was approved to bootstrap an incremental effort towards forge federation, starting May 2021. Pierre-Louis Bonicoli and Loïc Dachary will have until January 2022 to complete the milestones, each of them working 2.5 days per week on a fixed schedule (Wednesday, Thursday and every other Friday) and only communicating publicly on the forum and the chat room. This will allow anyone interested to participate and understand every details but it will also be very noisy.

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